What Is My Culture Essay. Culture is what makes us unique, interesting individuals in our special own way. The way my parents raised me was very traditional and somewhat strict. I have a family of six which include, my little sister, myself, my older sister, my older brother and of course my parents. They come from an Ecuadorian background but after living in America for so long, they’ve “Americanized” some of their old cultures Write an essay about “What Culture means to me.” Some people decided that culture is about family, respect, cultural traditions like dancing, cultural celebrations like special holidays, language, religion, and many other possibilities. Think of a main idea like: “To me, culture is religion ” or something else that fits you blogger.com Size: KB Essay My Personal Culture. Words4 Pages. Culture defines people’s values, beliefs, and personal interests. Culture is important because it allows people to maintain a unique identity society. Many cultures have common interests, while others may have customs that differ greatly from that of another. Technology has had a huge impact on present day cultures
My Cultural Identity Essay: A Guide to Writing about Who You are - blogger.com
It is well known fact that culture is the primary feature to get the identity of certain human species. In fact, it can be determined as the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought.
Considering contemporary trend towards globalization, most of independent cultures experienced my culture essay transformations, as intensive intercommunication leads to natural values sharing and strange norms assimilation, my culture essay. However, we are still allowed to get cultural identity of certain folk, even inside multi-cultural communities. My experience is useful to confirm this fact. Being of Korean origin, I live and study in pretty specific region of U.
I would like to begin with the culture, which considered to be native for me, my culture essay. Obviously, there is a talk about Korean values my culture essay traditions. In this regard, there are next main values of Korean culture to point out: high discipline and strong respect to elders, conservatism, patriotism and strong sense of community. Thereby, Korean folk is featured by traditions of social hierarchy, restraint behavior and obedience.
American culture seems to be prevailing one here as in any other U. However, I concluded that there is my culture essay initial source, which gave the birth to all others, my culture essay. My experience give me the right to state that the primary and the strongest value of American folk is equality of opportunities. In its turn, the sense of equality generates my culture essay independencecompetition and self-orientation. My general experience about American culture let me see it as the kind of environment, which allows everyone to take the race where all have the same chances to win.
Probably, previous words are not useful to interpret the entire meaning of American culture, however, they are helpful to show my understanding. Talking about traditions of behavior, I have to say that Americans are extremely organized people who know the price of time. To point out the main of them, my culture essay, I would like to note hard work as the type sacrifice, deep love to native heritage and incredibly strong connections to family. Moreover, there intention to native traditions maintaining even far from their motherland is important here.
At last, these people are much more religious. There is no need to talk about differences in cuisine, religion or arts. In addition, it is quite difficult to draw parallels under the same criteria. For example, my culture essay, Korean culture is featured by restrained behavioral traditions, American my culture essay with its thirst to competition, Mexican — with its strong family connections.
However, there is one point that is similar to each of analyzed cultures. It is the value of hard work. As for the life mood, cultural traditions make Americans the most hospitable and tolerant to others people, Koreans — the most all-sufficient, Mexicans — my culture essay and joy loving. To sum up, my analysis pushed me to the conclusion that multiple cultures are able to live side-by-side inside one community.
Obviously, some transformations and sharing are inevitable. However, the specifics are traced all the same. It also was pretty interesting to understand that different people are similar with their aims, but different with their motives to reach them, my culture essay. Koreans are adequate to perceive the reality around them, Americans take permanent race for success, Mexicans are aimed to end the hardships of their families.
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My Cultural Identity? - Discussion on Culture
, time: 18:35What Is My Culture Essay - Words | Cram

· A cultural identity essay is a paper that you write exploring and explaining how your place of upbringing, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, and family dynamics among other factors created your identity as a person. Even facts such as what activities you took part in as a child can be part of your cultural What Is My Culture Essay. Culture is what makes us unique, interesting individuals in our special own way. The way my parents raised me was very traditional and somewhat strict. I have a family of six which include, my little sister, myself, my older sister, my older brother and of course my parents. They come from an Ecuadorian background but after living in America for so long, they’ve “Americanized” some of their old cultures In my culture the religion is usually catholic. I was baptized when I was year old. There was a big party that my parents did for me in mexico to celebrate the baptism. I did my first communion when I was eight years old. Usually in my culture when a girl turns 15, they make a big party to celebrate their 15 years
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